
Showing posts from August, 2022

Biophilia Interior Design Is The Hottest Trend For 2022

  The growth of biophilia interior design has been one of the most useful advancements in interior decoration over the past few years. It has never been more important to harness the healing power of the universe, and this is exactly what the biophilic movement is attempting to do in our homes and workplaces. Once a niche architectural and interior design movement, "biophilia" has now become a sort of global architectural and interior design movement. Biological inclination or awe for nature is what the term "biophilia" alludes to (where "bio" means life or nature & "philia" means love). To be considered "biophilic," one must be predisposed to an affinity for the natural world; this is something that is hardwired into our DNA. Because we evolved in close contact with nature, we have a vested interest in protecting the natural environment. To identify the significant challenges of life sustainability that arise from the impact w